Frequently Asked Question

I received a notification stating that the available disk space is low. How can I check the disk space usage?
Last Updated 2 years ago

General Storage

A general overview of the total, used and free disk space, can be seen in the form of a graph in "Monitoring :: System :: Disk Statistics". If additional storage devices are attached to the system (and configured as storage pools), a drop-down selector can be used to check these too.


Depending on the services that are in use you can check the following:

File Server

User data on File server is only accounted when quota service is enabled and disk space quota has been specified for the users. In this case, a detailed per-user report can be obtained from "Monitoring :: System :: User Quota Status"

To see a report of disk space occupied by each sharepoint, click on "Monitoring :: System :: Disk Usage Reports -> Local Sharepoint Data"

Home Directories

Note that for the users' home directories there is a report available in "Monitoring :: System :: Disk Usage Reports -> Home Directories"

Collaboration Suite

For the collaboration Suite there is a disk usage  report in "Monitoring :: System :: Disk Usage Reports -> Collaboration Suite"

Mail Service

A report of each user's total mailbox size can be obtained from "Monitoring :: E-Mail Service :: Mailbox Server :: User Mailbox Size".

If you use mailbox quota, a detailed quota status report can be obtained from "Monitoring :: E-Mail Service :: Mailbox Server :: User Mailbox Quota". Note that this report is per mailbox, not per user.

In order to check disk usage of public mailboxes that do not belong to any user, click on "Monitoring :: E-Mail Service :: Mailbox Server :: Public Mailbox Size" and if quotas are used "Monitoring :: E-Mail Service :: Mailbox Server :: Public Mailbox Quota".

Note that due to the fact that the mail server uses hard links for an email that may exist in multiple mailboxes, the size reported here may be larger than the actual total size used on disk. For a detailed explanation check this link

Email Quarantine

A significant amount of disk space may be used by the email quarantine, especially if left untenanted for a long time. You can check the amount of data in the E-Mail Quarantine from "Monitoring :: E-Mail Content Filtering :: E-Mail Quarantine"

Fax Service

If fax service is used, a detailed report about the disk space used by the incoming and outgoing fax documents can be obtained from "Monitoring :: System :: Disk Usage Reports -> Fax"

Log Files

Last but not least, a significant amount of disk space may be used by the log files. A detailed usage report can be obtained from "Monitoring :: System :: Disk Usage Reports -> Logs"

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