Frequently Asked Question

I want to transfer my mail to a new iNODE server
Last Updated 8 years ago

Set your new iNODE mail server in replica mode.

  • Go to Configuration -> E-Mail service -> Replication 
  • Choose Replica mode
  • Add an administrator. He must be an actual user from your system.
  • When done, hit Save and Enable.

Set your old iNODE mail server in Master mode.

  • Go to Configuration -> E-Mail service -> Replication
  • Choose Master mode
  • Set the replica's IP address. That is your new iNODE.
  • Set the username. That is the administrator you set before on the new iNODE mail server.
  • Set the password. That is the administrator's password.
  • When done, hit Save and Enable.

When switching to master mode, an initial replication process is automatically started, in order to bring the replica to the state of the master.
You can manually run the initial replication process at any time, by pressing the Initialize now button.

The replication status will display the result of this initial replication process along with the date and time that this process finished. The master server implements a running replication, which transfers almost instantly all modifications to the replica server. In case of errors that may occur after the initial replication, will cause the accumulation of pending changes to the master that can not be transferred to the replica. This situation is also reported here in the status.

Note: Even in normal operation, it may temporarily appear that the replica is not in sync with the master server. This is normal and may appear for a small time (normally for a few seconds) as out of sync. If this state is permanent, it indicates that there is a problem in replication and you should check the replication realtime log for indications of problems (Monitoring :: E-Mail Service :: Replication Realtime Log).

After replication is complete you can shut down the old iNODE mail server and you can set the new iNODE mail server into Standalone mode.
Go to Configuration -> E-Mail service -> Replication and choose Standalone mode.

  • You should create and choose an account that will be exclusively used for the purpose of replication. Accounts that are given administrative access to the server have full access to all server data and all mailboxes, which is required for the replication process, but is very dangerous if not used correctly.
  • When setting up replication, the replica should not contain any data. It is best to have all mailboxes deleted before switching to replica mode, in order to have a clean copy. Replication can not check the status of the replica server and is designed to work in one way mode, ensuring that changes to the master server are propagated to the replica server. In case the replica server is in a state that could prevent the replication process from completing successfully, it is recommended to delete data on the replica server and perform an initial replication from the master server.
  • After the replica is set up, no changes should be done to the replica. Any changes made to the replica while the replication is active could have undesireable effects and could lead to data loss.
  • Replication protocol uses TCP port 2005. If a firewall is present between the master and the replica, it should allow the master server's IP to connect to the replica server's IP using TCP port 2005.
  • The connection between the master and the repllica is not encrypted. If the master and replica server are not in the same LAN, you should make sure that this traffic only passes over trusted networks, or over a Virtual Private Network (VPN). In this case, a firewall rule might also be needed on the replica server's firewall, to allow replication connections from the master server's IP. By default only connections from trusted sources  (LAN or VPN) are allowed to the replica server.

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