Frequently Asked Question

I want to use the LDAP server, but the server status says "not initialized"
Τελευταία Ενημέρωση πριν 9 χρόνια

LDAP server initialization

LDAP server must be properly initialized before using. These settings must be configured before the server is able to start:

Suffix: The most basic setting required is the suffix, which states the path under which all data on this server reside. By default a suffix is constructed based on the hostname and domain settings of the server and it is proposed as a value for suffix.

Root DN: This is the first account that can be used to login to the LDAP server and has full access. This is the administrative account that can be used to create other users.

Root password: The authentication credentials for the Root DN account


Once these settings have been configured, click on the save button and the LDAP service can now be started.


Click on the "Enable" button:


Now that the service is started, it is possible to access the LDAP server using the Root DN account.

Note that at this point, no data exists on the LDAP server, not even the Base DN Object, which could cause some clients to complain and LDAP searches to fail instead of returning an empty result.

This base object can be created from Maintenance :: LDAP Service :: LDAP Maintenanc. Click on the "Initialize" button under Base DN Initialization and the LDAP server should be ready now for populating with data.


Note that in case the LDAP server is going to be used as the authentication backend, the Base DN initialization is not required in case we check the "Populate" option when running the LDAP authentication backend wizard:

The populate function will automatically create the Base DN and all descendant nodes as shown above.

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